2025 DFC SOCIETY REUNION - "Celebrating our 30-year legacy. Charting our future." Charleston, SC [SEPTEMBER 16 - 18, 2025]

“Train Like You Fight", 5xDFC Recipient BG Clarence 'Bud' Anderson
“Train Like You Fight", 5xDFC Recipient BG Clarence 'Bud' Anderson
“Train Like You Fight", 5xDFC Recipient BG Clarence 'Bud' Anderson
“Train Like You Fight", 5xDFC Recipient BG Clarence 'Bud' Anderson
“Train Like You Fight", 5xDFC Recipient BG Clarence 'Bud' Anderson

“Train Like You Fight", 5xDFC Recipient BG Clarence 'Bud' Anderson

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BG Clarence “Bud” Anderson remains one of the storied greats in American aviation, and military history.  Ending WWII as one of America’s top aces (16.25 victories with the 357th Fighter Group), Bud went on to distinguish himself as a test pilot, F-105 Wing Commander (Vietnam War) and served post military as McDonnell Aircraft’s Flight Test facility at the legendary Edwards, AFB.

The print's title: “Train Like You Fight” depicts the Bell P-39Q Airacobra fighter plane Bud flew while in flight training in the United States.  Though Bud never flew the Airacobra in combat, this aircraft marked three milestones in the ace’s extraordinary legacy: a. Mastery of a particularly challenging airframe, b. Establishing a successful relationship with expert Crew Chief, Otto Heino and c. Beginning the tradition of naming his combat aircraft, “Old Crow.”

Editioned by John Mollison**

BG Anderson’s Wiki:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bud_Anderson
BG Anderson’s website:  Https://www.ToFlyAndFight.com
*This print contains a hidden image that is revealed under certain lighting conditions.
**Due to the limited number of prints, requests for specific numbers cannot be honored


Secondary image captions:

Bud Anderson signs DFC Society “Train Like You Fight” print edition, two days before his 102nd birthday. Photo courtesy James Anderson

Bud Anderson, Crew Chief Otto Heino, and assistant Crew Chief, Walker.  Photo courtesy www.ToFlyAndFight.com

Actual photo of print, enhanced to show the “hidden image” feature of the print.  Photo courtesy www.JohnMollison.com

Bud Anderson’s P-39Q, “Old Crow.”  Photo courtesy www.ToFlyAndFight.com

PLEASE NOTE - ONE PRINT PER ORDER:  We regret the limitations but quantity is limited.  The one-print-per-order will be upheld.  


  • Print is 13"x 9" inches, printed on archival grade paper, UV protection clear-coat, American Flag and DFC ‘hidden image’ watermark*.  Pricing is offered at $100 per print* (plus shipping & handling - shipped flat USPS);
  • Print also includes a signed letter of authenticity from The Distinguished Flying Cross Society, Chairman of the Board; and
  • Please know that though each print is also signed and numbered by the artist (John Mollison), the print number received by the purchaser is based on time of order; the DFC Society is unable to honor requests for specific numbers.

ALL PROCEEDS:  All proceeds go to the DFC Society Education Fund

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