2025 DFC SOCIETY REUNION - "Celebrating our 30-year legacy. Charting our future." Charleston, SC [SEPTEMBER 16 - 18, 2025]

New - DFC Society Lifetime Membership

New - DFC Society Lifetime Membership

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Thank you for your new DFC Society Lifetime Application.  You are almost complete.  Please select the level of membership you would like to support.

Entering into our membership ensures we keep the history of the DFC and its recipients alive for future generations.  

Your membership dues allow us to continue our mission of historical documentation through books, oral history recordings, and film.  The funds we receive also allow us to continue our scholarship program for young descendants of our members.

We are actively involved in educational programs, chapter development, and publication of our News Magazine.  Because of our members generosity, we are growing which allows us to take on new projects that help us educate people about Military and the role aviation plays in the defense of our Country.

If you have any questions, you may contact us by either using our contact form on our website, or by calling Greg Mac Neil, VP Membership directly at (619) 322-1361.

Thank you again for considering and becoming a member of the DFC Society - helping us educate people about Military and the role aviation plays in the defense of our Country. 

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